Willkommen im BuchPorträt des Buches „The Man in the Moon“ von William Joyce.
Dieses Buch ist Band 1 der Reihe „The Guardians of Childhood“.
Hier findest du weitere Bände.
In the first book of a multibook series, find out how a round, jolly baby became the great white hope of the Milky Way—and ringleader of the Guardians of Childhood.
Up there in the sky.
Don’t you see him?
No, not the moon.
The Man in the Moon.
He wasn’t always a man.
Nor was he always on the moon.
He was once a child.
Like you.
Until a battle,
a shooting star,
and a lost balloon
sent him on a quest.
Meet the very first guardian of childhood.
MiM, the Man in the Moon.
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theguardiansofchildhood.com • Die Hüter des Lichts im DreamWorks Wikia • riseoftheguardians.com
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